Victor Christensen

Web Developer

Web developer with background in technical writing and information security

Code Snippets

Temperature Conversion

This ruby program will prompt the user for a temperature in degrees Celsius and return the corresponding temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.

def cel_to_fahr(num)
  return num * 9/5 + 32

puts "enter temperature in celsius to convert to fahrenheit"
temp_celsius = (gets.chomp).to_f
temp_fahrenheit = cel_to_fahr(temp_celsius)
puts "the temperature #{temp_celsius} C = #{temp_fahrenheit} F"


def ordinal(num)
  last_digit = num % 10
  last_2_digits = num % 100
  if last_2_digits == 11 || last_2_digits == 12 || last_2_digits == 13
    puts "that's the #{num}th item"
  elsif last_digit == 1
    puts "that's the #{num}st item"
  elsif last_digit == 2
    puts "that's the #{num}nd item"
  elsif last_digit == 3
    puts "that's the #{num}rd item"
    puts "that's the #{num}th item"

puts "enter an integer"
integer = gets.chomp.to_i


Ordinal Challenge

This ruby program will convert a plain number to the ordinal of the number. For example, if the user enters 2, it will display 2nd; if the user enters 3, it will display 3rd, etc.


This ruby program is an adaptation of a classic technical interview problem that displays sequences of the Foobar pattern.

puts "how many digits of the foobar game do you want to see?"
responses = gets.chomp.to_i
i = 1

while i < responses + 1
  if i % 15 == 0
    puts "foobar"
  elsif i % 3 == 0
    puts "foo"
  elsif i % 5 == 0
    puts "bar"
    puts i
    i += 1


Web Apps

Quote Generator

A database-powered quote generator with a mobile-first design, using the Ruby on Rails framework, HTML, and CSS. Uses Git and GitHub for version control, and launched on Heroku.

Yelp Clone

A Yelp clone that integrates with the Google Maps API and includes features like user comments, star ratings, image uploading, and user authentication.

Two-Sided Market Place

A two-sided, video-streaming marketplace platform that features credit card payment capabilities, user role management, complex user interfaces, and advanced database relationships.

Test Driven Development

An Instagram clone that was built using industry-standard, test-driven development following numerous red/green/refactor cycles.

Single-Page Todo Application

This single-page to-do application features a fluid user interface that, by using JavaScript, allows users to rapidly add dynamic content.

Solo Project

Working on a solo software development project, building a genealogy application.

Skills & Tools

Vic has developed proficiency and expertise in the following programming languages and comfort with the following tools:


Currently entertaining new opportunities. Please get in touch via email: